Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thirteenth Amendment

-Proposed by Congress on January 31, 1865; Declared ratified on December 18, 1865

Section 1
[Abolition of Slavery]
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
Section 2  
[Power to Enforce This Article]
"Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." 

Most people no longer think of slavery as being an issue in the United States. The days of plantations and blacks working for white southerners are long gone. But a new piece of legislation passed by the Obama Administration has made many people, me included, wonder whether or not it is violating this amendment. The Give Act, as explained below, seems to be very close to going against the Constitution and taking away peoples' 13th Amendment rights.

Although the word "mandatory" has been taken out of this piece of legislation, it is still implied. The Give Act is, in my opinion, almost an oxymoron. The whole point of volunteerism is that it is selfless; individuals and organizations acting out of their own kindness and by their freewill to help those who are in need. Requiring people to volunteer just doesn't make any sense.

However, I do think that this article gives good insight into both sides of the situation--giving equal representation to both those in support of this act and those against it. It did help to influence my opinion on the issue, helping me to realize that this definitely has good intentions, and could definitely have a positive impact on the economy. But that being said, I feel that "mandatory volunteerism" is not the best way to go about the issue.

I think that her opinion in this video is a little over exaggerated, but it does help to really convey the concerns of those who believe that the Give Act is in violation to our anti-slavery laws. I think by her extreme take on the matter, she is able to express more concerns than have otherwise been conveyed by others who are against the Give Act as well.

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