Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Second Amendment

[Right to Keep & Bear Arms]

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right to keep and bear arms is important to Americans for many reasons, and if that right were taken away there would be a huge outcry from the public. Although I personally do not have a gun, my father has always kept one in the house for protection and I have many friends who enjoy hunting and going to shooting ranges; which are just two example of why typical Americans feel the need to own guns. Furthermore, I feel that if this right were to be taken away, violent crimes and tragic outcomes of guns would just get worse. For instance, the people who use guns inappropriately would not be stopped from committing a crime because the gun is illegal for them to own. And if they are already willing to break the law, why would they be stopped from illegally owning a gun so that they can commit their crime? All that taking away this amendment would do is leave the law-abiding citizens as the only ones without a way to protect themselves. Lastly, I feel that having a government which allows its citizens to own something so powerful just goes to show how much freedom we do have here in the United States. It seems to me that its a way of the government respecting us as its people. Although there are way too many instances where this privilege has been abused, the government is still allowing us an immense amount of freedom where it is probably undeserved. Therefore this is in my opinion, probably one of the most important parts of the Bill of Rights.

I liked this video because it explains the amendment in a really simple, straightforward way, as well as giving background to why it was added to the Constitution. Further, I liked how he brought up the opinions of those in favor of gun control, and why they are, in essence, wrong. 

To me, the most shocking part of this video was that the police had to get permission from their police chief before they could get guns so that they could stop the man who was shooting so many innocent people. How many of those innocent lives could have been saved if guns were legal? For one thing, the police could have gotten to the scene faster without having to wait for the necessary permission. And for another, what if one of those civilians were to have a gun for self-defense? Lastly, what criminal who has a gun, is going to fear a police force who do not have guns? The criminal is obviously going to have the upper hand, no matter if he is outnumbered, surrounded...or whatever the situation may be. To me, this is just further proof that if the United States' government were ever to establish such a policy as gun control, disastrous results would occur.

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