Thursday, September 29, 2011

Third Amendment

[Quartering of Soldiers]

"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."

Due to the fact that the American military personnel are housed by the government, the American people do not need to worry about having to house them in times of trouble, as was the case in England. That being said, if our country were to be in such a situation where that military housing were to become unavailable, I would not be opposed to opening my home to help serve the country in its time of need. If our troops are so willing to put their lives on the line to defend us and our freedom, then why should we not be willing to do something as simple as opening our doors for them? 

This is a picture from a military base in Presidio, California. I really liked this picture because it shows that the government really does provide for our troops and their families, and that military housing is usually not substandard in any way. Because the government does provide housing for our military, they would never have to be housed with any civilians. This housing makes it so that we do not have to even really think much about this amendment.

This video was a good example of military housing. Once again, like the first picture showed/explained, our military is taken very good care of. I think that without this housing provided to them, the possibility of troops having to "be quartered" with civilians would be much more likely.

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